Product Overview:
The U Block is an aggregate concrete masonry unit also known as the “Lintel Block”. It is used as permanent shuttering for lintels, window sills, and ring beams over lead-bearing block walls. The reinforcement to be used depends upon the span/load characteristic, according to engineers' specifications.
Manufacturer Overview:
Enjaz Al Nahda was established in 2015 with a production capacity of 5,000 blocks per day. Enjaz Al Nahda Company manufactures its products using high-quality materials of cement, stones, and sand to ensure the satisfaction of its customers. The organization is distinguished by having its factories and trucks to deliver its products to different regions on time. The Gulf Brick Factory is also keen to follow the Saudi SASO quality standards during the manufacture of blocks and bricks.
Product Usage:
Gulf Cement U-shape blocks are used in pipe laying and all sizes of cables specified in the construction.